Caregiver Support
At COAST we strive to provide resources in all areas of Caregiver Support for the well being of our
clients caretakers. Educational classes and support groups led weekly by Matt Estrade are provided via ZOOM and Facebook. Caregiver Support with help from Trualta are provided with the help of Melanie Walton.
Melanie Walton
Melanie Walton attended Southeastern Louisiana University, earning a 4 year degree in psychology. Having joined in August of 2023, she brings three years of support coordination experience as well as experience with vulnerable and disabled populations. Caring for a love one can affect one’s own well-being. The fact is, you can’t be a good caregiver unless you take care of yourself. It’s COAST's goal to provide caregivers with the essential tools to care for both themselves and their loved ones. With resources and personal support for caregivers as well as care recipients at her disposal, she is excited to join COAST and assist in the unique journeys and challenges that caregivers and their loved ones face every day.
To join COAST and start receiving the resources needed through amazing programs such as Trualta email Melanie at mwalton@coastseniors.org today!

Matt Estrade
Matthew Estrade earned undergraduate and graduate degrees from Auburn University and the University of New Orleans, respectively, and in 2017 he finished a Master's in Gerontology from the University of Louisiana at Monroe. Matt has been a caregiver support group facilitator for 6 years this April and has completed 280 sessions for the Council on Aging in St. Tammany. He has published 30 episodes of The Peace with Dementia Podcast on iTunes. Matt self-published The Peace with Dementia Rosary: Education, Intentions, Community in January of 2019. Matt can be contacted via email for any caregiving questions.
Email Matt to join the email reminder list. Groups are facilitated by Matt Estrade, MA, MBA Gerontologist Matt@CarePartnerMentoring.com